Thursday, September 27, 2012

Reconvened School Board Meeting

The Wythe County School board will met on Sept. 28 at 9:00 at the school board office to discuss the Capital Improvement Plan (Phase I,II,III).  This meeting is being reconvened from the Sept. 12 meeting.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Go to the VEA website to order a VEA license plate! 
Promote public education while showing pride in your Association.  The basic cost for the VEA license plate is $10, or you can have it personalized for $20.  Return the completed application and a check payable to VEA to:   
VEA, Attn: Yolanda Morris, 116 South 3rd St., Richmond, VA  23219. 
VEA will deposit the check in an account until the General Assembly and Governor officially approve the VEA plate (July, 2013).  Payment can be made by credit card if you choose.  We must have at least 450 applications for the General Assembly to verify the license plate.  Go to  Here you will find further instructions and you can download the application.