Saturday, March 29, 2014

Wythe County Delegates Propose & Debate a Motion

District 2 delegate, and Wythe County Co-President Ryan Walker, proposed a new business item that was then debated - at length. Among many other delegates, both Kim Aker and Ryan Walker entered into the debate; the new proposed item was passed by the delegation. Way to go!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Listening to Senator Mark Warner

Sen. Warner just stopped by to say HI!
- "Washington makes Richmond look rational." 
"It's time to learn, not just memorize facts."
- Federal debt increases 4 billion dollars a day. 
- Federal government spends 16 cents of every tax dollar on programs. 
- NCLB needs to be reauthorized or chucked. 
- Student debt exceeds credit card debt. 
- CTE ought not be a second-class education. 

In addition to him and Gov. McAuliffe, we have recognized several state Delegates and Senators - some Republican and some Democratic - who have been Friends of Education this year. 

Our own Denise Davis with pro-education Gov. McAuliffe

The Governor signs a bill at Convention

Governor McAuliffe just spoke to Convention and, for the first time in history, signed a bill at VEA Convention - HB720 providing for a lactation room in every school for nursing mothers. He was accompanied by Del. McClellan who introduced this bill and fought for its passage. The original idea came from a New Business Idea at convention last year.

VA Budget Info

We're here at breakfast at Convention. We're listening to Rob Jones and Senator Barbara Favola speaking about the current budget battle at the General Assembly. In the Governors proposed budget, Medicaid expansion is included which creates a $225 million dollar savings for the state. The Governor proposes that over half of that money goes to public education:

- $100 million (44%) would go for a 2% public education pay raise. 
- $7.4 (3%) million would go towards PreK programs
- $20 million (9%) would go towards other education initiatives.
- The proposed budget also provides for public school employees being included in the state healthcare plan. 

If you haven't already, please contact your representatives to ask them for support of these increases in funding for public education. 

A Busy Morning Ahead

Your Wythe County delegates to the 2014 VEA Delegate Assembly have many agenda items to consider this morning. New business items include: making up days missed during a "state of emergency " and continued employment after retirement/VRS.  Before lunch, we will be voting for the offices of VEA President and NEA Director.  Running unopposed for VEA Vice President, Jeff Pennington (Floyd County) is our new VP.   We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Governor McAuliffe.....remarks later!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

VEA Convention

Your delegates are here in Roanoke at VEA Convention. Currently, we're listening to candidates for VEA Offices. 

VEA President
-Meg Gruber (Prince William, current Pres)
-Frank Cardella (Chesterfield)
-Sarah Patton (Covington)

NEA Director
-Dr. James Fedderman (Accomack)
-Steve Whitten (Mecklenburg)

See the VEA website for more info on the candidates.

Monday, March 17, 2014

VEA Pre-Retirement Seminar

The regional pre-retirement meeting is scheduled for April 10th at the Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, Room 240 Partnership Circle Abingdon, VA 24210 from 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. 

The presentation lasts about an hour and half and goes into some detail about the VA Retirement System and the options available for structuring your retirement pension, as well as some general information on retirement planning, Social Security and Medicare.  Many people find it helpful to attend three to five years out from retirement to get a fuller understanding of their financial picture.   No registration is necessary.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Welcome our New UniServ Director!

Below is an excerpt from an e-mail from Beblon Parks announcing our new UniServ Director. He will be taking the place of Helen Marlow who recently retired. 
It is my pleasure to announce that VEA is welcoming another new UniServ Director to our ranks.  Brian G. Pfeifer has accepted the Southwest UniServ Position (Coverage Zone B) and will report for duty on Monday, March 17, 2014.    Prior to accepting the position in Southwest, Brian worked as an Organizing Coordinator for the American Federation of Teachers-Kansas.  He has been an organizer for several organizations including the following: Wisconsin Bail Out The People Movement,  March on Wall Street South and Project Staff Organizer for AFSCME.  He also worked as a Freelance Journalist and Photographer and Editor-in- Chief for UWM Post, Inc.

Brian holds a B.A. in Journalism and Minor in Africology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and a M.A. in Labor Studies from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.  He has attended and led numerous union and community organizing workshops.  Brian says he is looking forward to working with the members and staff here in Virginia.