Thursday, May 8, 2014

May School Board Meeting Update


  1. Spelling Bee Winner was recognized.
  2. School nurses were celebrated for National Nurses' Week.
  3. National Teacher Week was recognized.
  4. The Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year was recognized and awarded a plaque.

Informational Updates

  1. Concussion Committee Update - Mr. Brett Booher
    • Number of concussions up from 8 last year to 20 this year (possibly because more monitoring took place)
    • All MS/HS student-athletes have had baseline testing for concussions
  2. Capital Improvements - Dr. Wes Poole
    • Sheffey - water line issues; classrooms are 2/3 done; windows have had some snags; cafeteria renovation will happen over summer
    • RRMS - plumbing issues in administrative b/r have been corrected; classrooms are progressing;  gym renovations will be main summer project
    • GWHS Water Heater - Gas water heater is being fixed; boiler has been used for back-up which has caused excessive heat
  3. EOY Activities - Dr. Brannon  provided a list of activities for SB members to attend as they wish.
  4. Budget Update - Dr. Brannon
    • No change with the state budget
    • Dr. Brannon and other superintendents had a informative conversation with Senator Carrico
    • Setting up a budget workshop to plan for contingencies should the budget standoff head into summertime.
  5. SBO Staff Discussion - New reoccurring agenda item that will allow SB members to ask questions of SBO staff about policies, progress, etc.
    • Writing scores were discussed. Preliminary data shows a dip in scores. More info to come. Typing of the writing tests seems to be going smoothly.
    • New Calculators were discussed. Training is being offered for the use of the new style calculators.
    • Philosophical discussions on basic skills were had. Dr. James and Dr. Brannon assured the SB that these skills are being taught. 
    • E-Backpack Program was discussed. The grant from the Wythe/Bland Foundation was awarded. Purchases will move forward for FCHS freshmen and sophmores. 

 Action Agenda

  1. Speedwell Shelter Proposal (approved) - PTO will install a multi-use shelter on the grounds at Speedwell. 
  2. Brown vs. Board of Education Resolution (approved) - recognizing the historical nature of this decision and its ramifications.


  1. Dr. Brannon Recognized the stressful time of year for teachers and school staff. 
  2. Mr. Kidd discussed possible expansions in the Gov. School program. Possibly a full-day program and possibly involving sophomores.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day/Week!

 Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! We hope your school administrators, students and school PTA/PTO will make you feel appreciated this week. Look for a special treat from your WCEA.

Know that you are appreciated for all you do to make a difference in the lives of your students, to create a positive working environment in your schools, and for all the sacrifices you make to do your job so well. 

For all that you do, we say - THANK YOU!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May WCEA News


Our year is winding down! Come celebrate with us at our All-Member EoY Picnic. It will be next Tuesday (5/13) @ 5pm under the Spiller Picnic Shelter.  Grilled hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided. If you're planning to come, bring a side dish or dessert. RSVP to your association rep by Friday so we can plan for the meal. Kids are welcome on the Spiller playground. In addition to good fellowship, good food, and a brief meeting, we will honor our WCEA retirees.


We are seeking nominations for WCEA Co-President and Secretary. If you are interested or would like to nominate someone, please let us know. Both positions are for two year terms. As co-pres, you would work with the other co-pres (me) to attend SB meetings, run WCEA meetings, communicate with members, etc. As secretary you would take and publish minutes for the monthly WCEA meetings and assist with WCEA events. None of us have the time, I know, but without member participation our organization will suffer. If each member would serve as an officer for one two year term, we'd only have to serve once every 100 years :)


The May School Board meeting is this Thursday. Join the WCEA Board for a pre-meeting meal at Ruby Tuesday at 4:45 then head to the meeting at 6pm. The agenda can be found here. If you can't make the meal, please join us at meeting in the meeting room at the School Board Office.


The State budget is still in limbo. The VA General Assembly is again in recess without a budget. There are some positive proposals for education funding in the Senate and Governor's budgets. Our local budget hinges on the state budget so nothing can be passed locally without a state budget. Stay tuned for more info.


If you are a retiring WCEA member, please e-mail Ryan Walker at The WCEA would like you recognize your retirement.


Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! We hope your school administrators, students and school PTA/PTO will make you feel appreciated this week. Look for a special treat from your WCEA. Know that you are appreciated for all you do to make a difference in the lives of your students, to create a positive working environment in your schools, and for all the sacrifices you make to do your job so well. For all that you do, we say - THANK YOU!


Wythe County Education Association 
Co-Presidents: Stephanie James (Spiller) & Ryan Walker (Scott)
Treasurer: Vic Gravley (Max Meadows)
Secretary: Kelly Russell (George Wythe)
UniServ Director: Bryan Pfeifer