May School Board Meeting Update
- Spelling Bee Winner was recognized.
- School nurses were celebrated for National Nurses' Week.
- National Teacher Week was recognized.
- The Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year was recognized and awarded a plaque.
Informational Updates
- Concussion Committee Update - Mr. Brett Booher
- Number of concussions up from 8 last year to 20 this year (possibly because more monitoring took place)
- All MS/HS student-athletes have had baseline testing for concussions
- Capital Improvements - Dr. Wes Poole
- Sheffey - water line issues; classrooms are 2/3 done; windows have had some snags; cafeteria renovation will happen over summer
- RRMS - plumbing issues in administrative b/r have been corrected; classrooms are progressing; gym renovations will be main summer project
- GWHS Water Heater - Gas water heater is being fixed; boiler has been used for back-up which has caused excessive heat
- EOY Activities - Dr. Brannon provided a list of activities for SB members to attend as they wish.
- Budget Update - Dr. Brannon
- No change with the state budget
- Dr. Brannon and other superintendents had a informative conversation with Senator Carrico
- Setting up a budget workshop to plan for contingencies should the budget standoff head into summertime.
- SBO Staff Discussion - New reoccurring agenda item that will allow SB members to ask questions of SBO staff about policies, progress, etc.
- Writing scores were discussed. Preliminary data shows a dip in scores. More info to come. Typing of the writing tests seems to be going smoothly.
- New Calculators were discussed. Training is being offered for the use of the new style calculators.
- Philosophical discussions on basic skills were had. Dr. James and Dr. Brannon assured the SB that these skills are being taught.
- E-Backpack Program was discussed. The grant from the Wythe/Bland Foundation was awarded. Purchases will move forward for FCHS freshmen and sophmores.
Action Agenda
- Speedwell Shelter Proposal (approved) - PTO will install a multi-use shelter on the grounds at Speedwell.
- Brown vs. Board of Education Resolution (approved) - recognizing the historical nature of this decision and its ramifications.
- Dr. Brannon Recognized the stressful time of year for teachers and school staff.
- Mr. Kidd discussed possible expansions in the Gov. School program. Possibly a full-day program and possibly involving sophomores.
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