Thursday, December 18, 2014

Recap: School Board Meeting December

Attendance: 7 SB members, 10 SBO staff, 1 admin, 1 media, 2 teachers, 0 community

Phase 2 - Dr. Poole (Spiller, Scott, Speedwell (approx. $15-16 million)

  • Timeline - 2015 Planning, 2016 Bids for construction, June 2016 break ground
  • Scott: bus loop, full size gym on ground floor behind current gym, full renovation of rest of building, possibly parking lot in back, current gym would remain as auditorium/multipurpose
  • Discussion: Mr. Martin asked about possiblity of building new school in town; double the price for new school; tax rate at $0.44 makes it difficult to build new school; Mr. Frye asked if we could save money by putting GWHS, FCHS in phase 2 instead (building costs increases over time)
  • Spiller: K wing would become parking lot, addition of loop behind 3rd grade wing below playground, office entrance reconfigured to include main entrance, 
  • Discussion: Mr. Martin asked about building new structure at SMMS on the football field, possibility of building just K-2 or 3-5 building, Mr. Frye asked about building on the old HS area across the street from Spiller; asked about including FCMS since it wasn't done in Phase 1; all considerations are still on the table and can be discussed
  • Speedwell: complete renovation, but footprint remains the same

Testing Update - Ms. Cochran

  • HS/MS testing for first semester went well, technology was smooth
  • Reports restructured to include amount of rigor and use of calculator

Budget Forecast - Dr. Brannon

  • Legislators are saying cuts in everything will need to be made to balance budget
  • Governor: no cuts are being proposed to K-12 public schools
  • Expenditures: 
    • 3-5% step increase recommended for all employees (cost $300K for every 1%); 
    • Health Insurance costs  $30K for every 1% to prevent costs falling on employee, 
    • Options: VRS Health Insurance transfer costs to employee, leasing bus fleet
    • EMT Course Offering costs $75K
    • Phase 2 architects fees $275K (depending on what we propose to do in Phase 2)
  • Revenue: Enrollment projected to decline so revenue likely to decline 4,150 this year to 4,125 next year
  • Discussion: SB would like to have joint meeting/discussion with BoS

Action Items (all passed unanimously)

  • VSBA Supt. Search - advertisement meeting Jan. 6th @ 11am
  • Budget Schedule (Feb 12th WCEA presents budget requests from Budget survey)
  • Employee Bonus - $163 BOS, $37 SB + $100 for parttime (should include everyone except hourly & subs)
  • VSBA Funding Resolution - requesting increased money for education
  • Policy JN Amendment - $20 fee for 1-to-1 E-backpack program at FCHS (yearly fee for using device)

Dr. Brannon Updates

  • Final SACS/AdvancED final report to come in Jan/Feb; thanks to all stakeholders involved
  • Recognition of staff who helped resolve special issue at Spiller 
  • Principals' Reports - will be held at winter/spring SB meetings
  • Flu Vaccination - not strand that was vaccinated; Spiller had 150 students out yesterday
  • SB Meeting on January 8th

SB Member Updates

  • Kidd attended summit for schools in difficult conditions; engaging parents, early childhood edcuation, extending the school day for activities were all popular topics

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Recap: Mr. Strong 5K & Christmas Parade

Getting ready to head down the parade route!
Do we have everything spelled correctly?
Kim Aker and Jen Ryan check out the sign.
Lots of fun was had on Saturday, December 6 as the WCEA participated in the Mr. Strong 5K and the Wytheville Christmas Parade.
Here comes the banner!
Jen Ryan posing by the float.

Jen Ryan & Crystal Evans at the Mr. Strong 5K.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Recap: SOL hearing held in Wytheville

Here's an article on the open hearing that was held in Wytheville last week regarding the History, PE, Driver's Ed SOLs. The WCEA was well represented by several members from the different areas. Thank you for being out there, showing support, and speaking your mind on the proposed changes.

SOL hearing held in Wytheville - SWVa Today: The Wytheville Enterprise

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Recap: Legislative Dinner

    Sen. Bill Carrico speaking.
    Del. Jeff Campbell speaking.
The WCEA sent several representatives to the VEA sponsored Legislative Dinner in Abingdon, VA on December 1st. It was a time for members in our region to dine with the legislators, discuss the upcoming legislative session, and hear the legislators thoughts. Here's a recap from our member Kim Aker.

In a beautiful setting, the Heartwood, we gave our legislative agenda to many legislators who had just left a reception for community colleges.

  • We heard from Sen. Bill Carrico who frankly told us we have a fight on our hands within the budget.
  • Del. Terry Kilgore was given an award from Robley Jone, VEA Government Relations, for "bleeding" for us in trying to get the bill passed to provide a statewide health insurance option for teachers to hopefully lower our rates, thereby increasing our take-home pay.
  • Delgates Jeffery Campbell, Israel O'Quinn, and Sen. Ben Chaffin (whose wife is a teacher), all expressed their appreciation for what we do.
  • Del. Campbell said he "was tired after spending 45 minutes in a third grade classroom at Spiller."
  • Robley Jones left us with this thought, "This year, April 18, 2015, is the time to put up or shut up." We, as educators, must demand more respect and make all of Virginia put kids first.
Photos from retired member Denise Davis

December Events

Here's an update on the many events happening with the WCEA this December. Thanks for all you do to stay sane and help kids learn through this hectic time!

  1. Monday 12/1 - VEA Legislative Dinner in Abingdon Several of our members met with our General Assembly legislators in advance of the winter GA session beginning in January. A wide variety of educational issues were discussed. Read more about VEA's legislative agenda here
  2. Wednesday, 12/3 - Virginia Social Studies/History SOL Review meeting is being held at Wytheville's new Edith Boiling Wilson Hotel @ 7pm. This is an excellent opportunity for SS/Hist teachers to voice our opinions on the proposed changes to these SOLs. It's also a great opportunity to show support for having events like this in our backyard! Come if you can. More info is here.
  3. Saturday, 12/6 - The WCEA has an entry in Wytheville's Christmas Parade starting at 6pm. ALL members are invited to walk with us. Our plan is to walk in the parade with our new banner. We will also have a small float with a Dr. Suess/Christmas theme. If you have a Dr. Suess hat or character please wear it (but it is not required). We will meet @ 5:30 near the Super Dollar.
  4. Saturday 12/6 - The WCEA has entered a team in the Mr. Strong Family Walk a Thon/ 5k. It's at 9:00 in Rural Retreat. You can find more information on it through the link on the WCEA Facebook page. The registration fee is any donation to St. Jude, and it's really easy to sign up. Simply follow the prompts to register and join an existing team. Our team is called WCEA.  We'd love to see you or any other WCEA members) out there for this great cause!
  5. Thursday 12/18 - The School Board meeting has been moved to December 18 at 9am. Your co-presidents (Jennifer Ryan and Ryan Walker) will be there. If you have concerns for us to address with the SB, please respond to this message.
  6. Thursday 12/18 - The WCEA monthly meeting has been moved to this date at 4:15pm in Spiller. All members are welcome to attend.