Phase 2 - Dr. Poole (Spiller, Scott, Speedwell (approx. $15-16 million)
- Timeline - 2015 Planning, 2016 Bids for construction, June 2016 break ground
- Scott: bus loop, full size gym on ground floor behind current gym, full renovation of rest of building, possibly parking lot in back, current gym would remain as auditorium/multipurpose
- Discussion: Mr. Martin asked about possiblity of building new school in town; double the price for new school; tax rate at $0.44 makes it difficult to build new school; Mr. Frye asked if we could save money by putting GWHS, FCHS in phase 2 instead (building costs increases over time)
- Spiller: K wing would become parking lot, addition of loop behind 3rd grade wing below playground, office entrance reconfigured to include main entrance,
- Discussion: Mr. Martin asked about building new structure at SMMS on the football field, possibility of building just K-2 or 3-5 building, Mr. Frye asked about building on the old HS area across the street from Spiller; asked about including FCMS since it wasn't done in Phase 1; all considerations are still on the table and can be discussed
- Speedwell: complete renovation, but footprint remains the same
Testing Update - Ms. Cochran
- HS/MS testing for first semester went well, technology was smooth
- Reports restructured to include amount of rigor and use of calculator
Budget Forecast - Dr. Brannon
- Legislators are saying cuts in everything will need to be made to balance budget
- Governor: no cuts are being proposed to K-12 public schools
- Expenditures:
- 3-5% step increase recommended for all employees (cost $300K for every 1%);
- Health Insurance costs $30K for every 1% to prevent costs falling on employee,
- Options: VRS Health Insurance transfer costs to employee, leasing bus fleet
- EMT Course Offering costs $75K
- Phase 2 architects fees $275K (depending on what we propose to do in Phase 2)
- Revenue: Enrollment projected to decline so revenue likely to decline 4,150 this year to 4,125 next year
- Discussion: SB would like to have joint meeting/discussion with BoS
Action Items (all passed unanimously)
- VSBA Supt. Search - advertisement meeting Jan. 6th @ 11am
- Budget Schedule (Feb 12th WCEA presents budget requests from Budget survey)
- Employee Bonus - $163 BOS, $37 SB + $100 for parttime (should include everyone except hourly & subs)
- VSBA Funding Resolution - requesting increased money for education
- Policy JN Amendment - $20 fee for 1-to-1 E-backpack program at FCHS (yearly fee for using device)
Dr. Brannon Updates
- Final SACS/AdvancED final report to come in Jan/Feb; thanks to all stakeholders involved
- Recognition of staff who helped resolve special issue at Spiller
- Principals' Reports - will be held at winter/spring SB meetings
- Flu Vaccination - not strand that was vaccinated; Spiller had 150 students out yesterday
- SB Meeting on January 8th
SB Member Updates
- Kidd attended summit for schools in difficult conditions; engaging parents, early childhood edcuation, extending the school day for activities were all popular topics
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