Student Recognitions
- RRHS & GWHS Wrestling team members won several state championships and runner ups
Public Comment
- Renee Arnold spoke against the possibility of closing Speedwell, had signed petitions with 1090 signatures to redraw bus lines and stays in the Phase II renovation cycle.
- Beth McNamee spoke against the possibility of closing Speedwell.
Informational Agenda
- Principals' Updates
- Mrs. Ingo - gave a presentation on their theme of Give One Degree More at Spiller using a video that featured many students, teachers, and support staff
- Mr. Haga - showed a video of being Happy at SMMS, spoke positively about STEAM program and Pi Day
- Mr. Hensley - spoke about many of the positives going on at GWHS
- Mr. Sykes - spoke about teachers helping students earn over 500 credentials last year as well as many other accomplishments of the staff and students.
- SOL Testing Update - Ms. Beth Cochran
- Writing Test - coming up in March
- Non-Writing Window - 4 weeks in May
- School Board Public Comment Procedure - Dr. Brannon
- Following items were approved to include on the top of the public comment sign-in sheet
- Swearing at public meetings is a misdemeanor
- Specific concerns with students and staff should be brought to administrative staff prior to speaking
- Time limits could be implemented by SB Chair if needed
- FY16 Budget Update - Dr. Brannon
- The budget is for teachers and students, not the school board.
- Dates: May 12 public hearing on SB budget, May 26 BOS approves SB budget
- Enrollment is projected to go down about 100 students from 2010
- Revenue Overview
- federal monies have gone down ($174K),
- state monies have gone up ($254K),
- sales tax up ($94K),
- Bland County doesn't send their students to WCTC anymore (down $133K)
- BOTTOM LINE: need $1.154 million additional money, need $1,657,178 (including Phase II, accounting program)
- Benefits - VRS Employer share went down (0.44%), but not significantly; employee share remained the same 5%.
- Salary Increase for Employees
- Projected costs: 1.5% increase for all employees costs $450K, 3% costs $900K (This is what is in the budget.)
- Supplements will remain the same
- Proposals for 1.5% and 1.5+% (would keep round figures) were also presented
- Adjustments of other Budget Categories
- reduction to fuel costs
- school bus lease program
- savings retirees?,
- SACS visit costs
- additional guidance counselor is in budget, additional IT/ITRT is possible
- Point of Note: 47 positions have been cut over the last 5 years
- Health Insurance Increases
- Projected 9.6% increase will cost school system $288K
- Point of Note: 5.5-6% average increase over the past five years (much lower than other counties)
- Projected 5% for employer and 4.6% increase for employees (picture of costs)
- Discussion of different plans offered - currently 500/Expanded, change to 1000/500 which would be cheaper, but benefits wouldn't be as good
- Plans could be changed with no cost differential to the proposed budget
- Point of Note: Live Health can be used for simple diagnosis (use app to visit doctor via internet, get diagnosis, and prescription without going to the doctor)
- Update of Accounting Software - Sunguard
- adopted by schools and county
- $150K needed to cover costs
- Capital Improvement Phase II ($393K needed, see action agenda for more detail)
- Central Office Staff Discussions - None
Action Agenda
- Revised 2014-15 Calendar APPROVED
- State Code says counties have to make up every other day after 5 days,
- Last day would be May 29th,
- Teachers would make-up 4 days
- Graduation Dates APPROVED
- WCTC 5/21 7pm
- RRHS 5/22 6pm
- GWHS 5/22 8pm
- FCHS 5/23 10am
- 2015-2016 Calendar APPROVED
- August 11-Dec 18, Jan 6-May13
- August 4 is starting day with opening session
- Thursday meet the teacher night
- Starting on a Tuesday because of the need to get 90 days in before Winter Break
- Early dismissals would be a 12pm to provide more time for grading/recording
- No school on Election Day (teacher PD day)
- Kept workday to begin 2nd semester; will be on Jan 5th
- Kept Spring Break Th-Tu
- Meal Prices for 2015-16 APPROVED
- going up $0.10 adult lunch up $0.25 ($3.25)
- Adult T'giving meal $4.50 to comply with federal regulations
- Have investigated outsourcing cafeteria/custodians/buses but it's not cost effective with our student numbers
- Capital Improvements for Phase II APPROVED
- Spiller & Scott are the schools in Phase II
- Add FCMS if money is available
- One NO vote from Mr. Frye
- Sheffey Activity Room APPROVED
- Grant will cover $179K to build the room for community use
- Low bid is $193K through Fairview Construction (local and has history with WCPS)
- Adopt FY 2016 Budget Proposal APPROVED
- Negotiations remain with Board of Supervisors
- Mr. Frye voted no citing the A&E Fees for Phase II construction
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