All Wythe County Public School Employees are invited to celebrate American Education Week with us! Our reception will be Tuesday, November 14 from 4-6pm at West Wind Winery. We hope you will come celebrate with us!
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Nov 2017 School Board Meeting Comments
Good evening Chairman Sage, School Board Members, Dr. Perry, School Board Office administrators and staff. Thank you for this time to speak with you tonight. I appreciate your willingness to have this night meeting to give WCPS staff, parents, and community members the opportunity to be with you at your meeting.
Academically we are between Benchmark testing Windows so as the tides of stress go we would be in a low tide period. We have evaluated first quarter results, designed and implemented remediation plans to fill any gaps that were evident in the first benchmarks. (On a side note, We appreciate the time built in the calendar for grading and conferencing.) We had successful conferences with our students' families showing them their students results and discussing their progress so far. All of this while moving forward with the second quarter curriculum. Plans are building towards Decembers Benchmark and SOL testing.
We have had several non-curricular moments to celebrate with our students from success with sports and organizations to Character Days to Veterans Day programs. These can at times be interruptions to our instructional program but they can provide meaningful learning opportunities for things not laid out in the SOL curriculum. We had our Veterans Day program today at Sheffey and it was amazing to see the time and effort students and staff put into rehearsing parts, creating posters, and learning about Veterans. To see the interactions of the students with the veterans and the smiles on the faces of the kids when they realize that this day was bigger than them was priceless.
Committee work has been a valuable part of the past month. Behavior Support Team established this year at each school have been meeting at schools and county wide with Mary Henslee. This has been a great time to brainstorm ideas and make plans for students who need help to be able to focus on learning. Ms. Henslee is a valuable resource for our county and I am glad we are taking advantage of her knowledge and experience. The Salary Committee has also been meeting. We have developed a plan for what we hope will happen with the Salary Schedule with back up ideas in place in case funding is short. Two main goals of the committee are to simplify the salary schedule and communicate more in person about salary, insurance and other budget matters.
Community involvement has also been a part of the goings-on lately. Fall Festivals, PTOs, PTAs, and boosters have been doing a tremendous job at our schools incorporating families and community members. One business - Utility Trailer Manufacturing in Atkins - has continued to shine with the generosity of their employees. They recognized their employees hard work with a weekly meal, but the employees have decided to donate the money of one of the weekly meals to charitable causes in the community. A substantial amount of that money has been donated to our schools. A big thank you to Utility.
Finally I would like to personally invite all WCPS School Board members and Employees in attendance to the WCEA's American Education Week Celebration. It will be held at West Wind Fame and Winery in Fort Chiswell. We have live banjo music from Wythe County's own Thom Moore. We will have prizes and finger foods. The WCEA would like to publicly thank the many local businesses that have contributed money and prizes to make this went special. I hope you will be able to join us!
Thank you for this time to speak on behalf of employees and for including the WCEA on the agenda.
Monday, September 18, 2017
PD Science
Please pass this PD opportunity to your Science teachers. They can participate in all or portions of the VAST "Celebrating Science" conference. November 16-18. Click on the links below to access additional information.
Friday, September 15, 2017
PD with Alpha Sigma
The following information describes programs for the Alpha
Sigma Chapter of Virginia Alpha Delta Kappa.
*November 13, 2017 6:00 PM Wytheville Presbyterian Church
Rapping the SOLs Finding innovative ways to engage students to improve learning is so important. GWHS graduate and current teacher at Roanoke’s James Madison Middle School, Cole Wilder has developed multiple raps to motivate his students to understand SOL content through active participation. Movement and learning the words to the rap combine to spark students’ interest and enhance retention of material. Mr. Wilder has been recognized by his school for his innovative methods. He will explain and demonstrate techniques he uses while showing how teachers may use these techniques in their own classrooms. He will discuss the results he has observed in classes where these methods are used.
Mr. Wilder has presented in-service workshops for his
school system, led his students to perform the raps on local television station
WDBJ, and has been interviewed by local radio. *January 8, 2018 6:00 PM
Wytheville Presbyterian Church
Saluting Canada Our neighbor to the north, Canada, is celebrating the sesquicentennial anniversary in 2017. This program, presented by Carolyn Armentrout following her September trip, will highlight some of the important history of our neighbor on the North American continent. Much of Canadian history impacted American history. The pictures and other mementos acquired on her trip will help to demonstrate elements of world geography and United States history. The shared friendship, culture, and economic interdependence of the two countries will be explored with facts and anecdotes helpful to teachers in the classroom. *March 12, 2018 6:00 PM Wytheville
Presbyterian Church
How Cursive Writing Can Be Used In All Classrooms This program will be presented by Joyce Covey, retired educator from Pulaski County Public Schools. Ms. Covey presented this program as a workshop at the 2017 Chautauqua Festival in Wytheville. Cursive writing is not taught as it once was, however, it is essential in order to meet certain standards, including reading and interpreting historical documents. Most historical documents are written in cursive script. Students with no instruction in the fundamentals of cursive may experience difficulty reading America’s documents of democracy. Ms. Covey will instruct teachers how to quickly and effectively teach students the various strokes and movements involved in cursive script. All teachers will find this a great classroom instructional tool. The skills teachers learn may be used as a project for student formative assessment. *April 9, 2018 6:00 PM Wytheville
Presbyterian Church
NOTE: This program was approved last year but was not presented due to inclement weather
WCC Library Materials and Services Available to Wythe County Public School Teachers and Students
WCC Library Staff will discuss various resources and services available to aid WCPS teachers with research to enhance classroom instruction. Teachers will learn how students themselves may utilize resources and share that knowledge with students. Dual enrollment students especially will benefit by teacher knowledge of the services offered by our local college. The staff will explain how students in the middle grades are able to use materials and resources for special projects. Teachers taking courses for recertification will find valuable assets at the WCC Library. Attendees will learn how WCC strives to be a positive and proactive presence in our communities beginning with sharing library resources.
Rapping the SOLs Finding innovative ways to engage students to improve learning is so important. GWHS graduate and current teacher at Roanoke’s James Madison Middle School, Cole Wilder has developed multiple raps to motivate his students to understand SOL content through active participation. Movement and learning the words to the rap combine to spark students’ interest and enhance retention of material. Mr. Wilder has been recognized by his school for his innovative methods. He will explain and demonstrate techniques he uses while showing how teachers may use these techniques in their own classrooms. He will discuss the results he has observed in classes where these methods are used.
Saluting Canada Our neighbor to the north, Canada, is celebrating the sesquicentennial anniversary in 2017. This program, presented by Carolyn Armentrout following her September trip, will highlight some of the important history of our neighbor on the North American continent. Much of Canadian history impacted American history. The pictures and other mementos acquired on her trip will help to demonstrate elements of world geography and United States history. The shared friendship, culture, and economic interdependence of the two countries will be explored with facts and anecdotes helpful to teachers in the classroom.
How Cursive Writing Can Be Used In All Classrooms This program will be presented by Joyce Covey, retired educator from Pulaski County Public Schools. Ms. Covey presented this program as a workshop at the 2017 Chautauqua Festival in Wytheville. Cursive writing is not taught as it once was, however, it is essential in order to meet certain standards, including reading and interpreting historical documents. Most historical documents are written in cursive script. Students with no instruction in the fundamentals of cursive may experience difficulty reading America’s documents of democracy. Ms. Covey will instruct teachers how to quickly and effectively teach students the various strokes and movements involved in cursive script. All teachers will find this a great classroom instructional tool. The skills teachers learn may be used as a project for student formative assessment.
NOTE: This program was approved last year but was not presented due to inclement weather
WCC Library Materials and Services Available to Wythe County Public School Teachers and Students
WCC Library Staff will discuss various resources and services available to aid WCPS teachers with research to enhance classroom instruction. Teachers will learn how students themselves may utilize resources and share that knowledge with students. Dual enrollment students especially will benefit by teacher knowledge of the services offered by our local college. The staff will explain how students in the middle grades are able to use materials and resources for special projects. Teachers taking courses for recertification will find valuable assets at the WCC Library. Attendees will learn how WCC strives to be a positive and proactive presence in our communities beginning with sharing library resources.
PD Chances through WCPS This Year
Here's a list of PD Opportunities from WCPS this year....
- Math teachers will participate in many hours of PD with the implementation of the new Math SOLs and curriculum adoption materials. (We feel really bad for math teachers and all the extra time needed to prepare for the new SOLs this year.)
- The high schools and middle schools will be doing a lot to get ready for their new career focus curriculums and new Profile of a Graduate required for next year. This will kick into high gear 2nd semester.
- PE teachers are getting on board with using their fitness data to drive instruction and participating in discussion boards especially designed for WCPS.
- CTE has required training they have to do to keep up with the latest trends in industry.
- Elementary and Middle are continuing their 6+1 writing meetings.
- Elementary is initiating new Behavior Support Teams within each building.
- Gifted/Talented teachers are revising the WCPS Gifted plan.
- ITRTs are working with teachers on the new grade book procedures.
- ITRTs are holding Discovery Education workshops within each of their buildings.
- ITRTs offered Tech Luau
- Principals are continuing work with data teams in their buildings
- Principals are hosting their own PDs to meet unique needs of their school (book talks, guest speakers, reading initiatives, remediation initiatives, drop-out prevention teams, etc.)
- Mr. Younger hosts Microsoft IT Academy each year for teachers to learn and become proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.
- Social Studies teachers in the areas of VA History, Civics, and World History will be participating in PD to develop Performance Based Assessments required in 2018-19.
- Each high school has certified CPR instructors in their PE dept. All principals in WCPS can call on these folks to lead a CPR training after school for recertification/PD.
- Mary Henslee is available by appointment to work with teachers and admin. on classroom management and behavior modification techniques.
- Foreign Lang has opportunity to go to FLAVA conference.
- Elementary "make-and-take" PD previously scheduled for Election Day will be rescheduled.
- The 4th grade "Sheep Book" PD previously scheduled for Election DAy will need to be rescheduled.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
Sept 2017 School Board Meeting
All SB members, 3 teachers, 8 SB admin, 3 school admin, 1 teacher, lots of community members, 1 media member
1. Schools that won VDOE Excellence Awards principals were given a banner
2. Jackson Memorial students presented projects and learning songs
WCEA Comments - Ryan Walker presented teacher perspective
Administrator Comments - Mrs. Watson presented school events
Public Comment
Removal of prayer plaque at Spiller (7 people)
FYI - Open Meeting regarding plaque removal on Thursday, 9/21 @ SBO
Salary Schedule Review Committee
1. Committe has been established with wide variety of experience levels
2. October 11, Nov 8, Dec 6, Jan 11
Student Enrollment
1. 4011 total enrollment now ( our budget was planned on 4020 )
2. This is an okay position for this point in the school year.
Governor's School
Lost dual enrollment teacher at GW for Anatomy class so students were enrolled in online Linwood Holton Governors School (23 students)
Audit of School Activity Funds
Division and school audits were done; no major issues; were minor control issues that are fairly typical, but difficult to overcome
Evaluation Projects
1. TalentEd costs $8000 per year, the adaptability of the forms and usability of forms is not optimal
2. exploring option of creating own possibly using Google Docs (reduces cost and increases control of forms)
3. Would keep online application for new hires through TalentEd
4. Nothing about the 7 evaluation standards would change. The goal would be creating a more user friendly document at a cheaper cost.
Capital Improvement Project
1. OWPR selected as A/E firm for GWHS project
2. They are investigating needs of school to produce cost estimate.
Foundation of Excellence
Would like to add Rusty Jones (Adam Martin resigned), to be voted upon in Oct
School Crisis Plans
Plans were approved (evaluated beforehand)
Hybrid Plan Benefits
Approved - Provides staff members on hybrid plan more options thru Horace Mann
GWHS Band Trip
1. Out of State trips must be approved by SB (haven't done in past, will do going forward per policy)
2. Requirements: Minimum number of days missed, financial support for students, adequate chaperones, organized plan
3. Approved
1. Recognized Mr. Skeens and Ms. Umbarger for their work on transportation
2. We are now a 3rd party qualifier to ease getting new drivers qualified
Traffic Patterns at Spiller
1. Concern had been brought up about quantity of traffic.
2. Observations made and discussions had and they think they are doing the best they can in the space they have.
Listening Tours
1. Happening at each individual school this year to increase participation
2. Ones that have happened so far have been positive and productive
Positive Recognitions
1. Duty Free Lunches - Funny story about a K kid standing on a table with bananas blazing, teachers have been very appreciative
2. Staff Getting into Athletic Events - staff have been very appreciative
Closed Session at 7pm
Sept 2017 School Board Meeting Comments
Good evening Chairman Sage, SB members, Dr Perry, and SB administrators,
I appreciate the time to speak with you especially at an evening meeting that I can attend without missing time with my students. I apologize that no one was at the last meeting to speak on behalf of the WCEA. Being the second day of school we were not comfortable missing that class time with our students to be here.
I would like to report that the year has gotten off to a great start. We have successfully completed our back to school meetings and professional developments. There was lots of positive feedback from instructional staff about the variety and quality of PD offerings. Staff also appreciated the abbreviated opening session which allowed for more time in the classroom to prepare for the beginning of school. I would like to send our compliments to Dr. James and the Instructional administrators would planned and led these sessions. I would also like to thank the ITRTs who put on another successful Technology luau. There was great discussion I these sessions and many ideas shared which I'm sure have already made there way into classrooms around the county.
Instructional staff is hard at work building on the successes of last year while adjusting to new schedules and new students. It's a fun time of year learning names, developing routines, and encouraging positive habits. We have welcomed quite a good crew of new teachers as well. Their energy and fresh ideas bring good vibes to the table.
We enjoyed our Solar Eclipse day and am glad to report that no eyesight was lost despite the many concerns. The joy on students faces that day as they watched the eclipse was magically. Watching a kids face light up when something they've never seen before happens is a feeling I wish I could bottle and save. Moments like those we experienced that day is the reason most of us got into teaching. I hope you were able to see the joy on a child's face that day.
Our curriculum is in full swing as we have already sent home the first midterm reports. We've already begun to identify those students who need support and are building ways in our schedules to provide that help. We are beginning to build toward our first formal assessments with benchmarks happening in just a few weeks.
Finally I would like to thank you for seeking ways to recognize and reward staff for all that they are doing. We appreciate the duty free lunch times and the staff meals and free admission to sporting events. I've spoke with Dr Perry about other idea for recognition. That our meeting next week the WCEA will be working on a survey to send out to staff to get feedback on ore things that could be done. If you have anything to include please let me know.
Thank you again for including us on the agenda and giving us time to slpeak
Monday, June 12, 2017
June SB Meeting Comments
Many of our WCEA members had contacted us about the proposed School Board budget, salary scales, and health insurance. We did our best to summarize your concerns and include them in our remarks to the School Board. Here's what we said...
Good morning Chairman Sage, school board members, Dr. Perry. Thank you for this time to speak before you. Since last we spoke a lot has happened. We are happy to report our students and teachers have had lots off success with SOL testing, various sports teams, field trips and field days, awards and graduation ceremonies and the list of events goes on and on. It was great to see you all at our various events. I'm sure the principals slide show will highlight many of these for you. The WCEA would like to Thank school board members, school board office administrators, building principals, and staff for your support to make these successes possible for our students.
We also received contracts and health insurance information at the end of the school year. We know this has been a difficult budget year given the lack of support from the state. We would like to thank you for maintaining last year's 2% raise given the take-backsies that the state played with that money. As you recall When we presented the Employee survey results the focus of the employees was maintaining or hopefully increasing take home pay when all is said and done for next year. My goal is not to push a personal agenda or an agenda of the WCEA. My goal is to present some data from the employee perspective as it relates to the goal of maintaining or improving take home pay.
In looking at the information provided on health insurance we are pleased that the budget holds the single employee health plan harmless. The $888 yearly increase in employer contribution goes a long way toward helping those employees maintain or increase their take home pay. Thank you for that. With the $888 employer increase the other plans holders will see a yearly increase of $756 for the dual plan and $1512 for the family plan.
The proposed paraprofessional scale calls for a $2000 increase at all steps which would go along way toward improving their take home pay and just as importantly making that salary scale more competitive for our paraprofessionals when compared to other school systems in our region in our region.
The proposed teacher salary scale provides for a $300 increase at step 0 and $400 increase at all other steps. With that increase it appears that those on the employee only health plan will achieve the goal of improving take home pay. Those employees on the dual plan and family plans will pay out more in health care premiums than the $400 salary increase will cover making it difficult to maintain their take home pay.
As mentioned the proposed teacher salary scale provides a $300 increase for step 0 and $400 at all other steps. While we understand that the scale is a year contract and not a guarantee from year to year, there are some interesting facts to consider when comparing the 2106-17 scale to the proposed 2107-2018 scale. In last years scale steps 0-9 increased $300 from step to step so the proposed $400 increase would actually improve the scale in those areas. In last years scale steps 10-17 saw a $400 increase so those would remain the same in the proposed scale. Steps 18-19 had a $500 increase in last years scale so those steps will decrease by $100. Steps 20-21 will decrease by $300 from $700 in last years scale. Steps 22-24 will decrease by $900 from the $1300 increase in last years scale. Step 25 will decrease $1100 from last years $1500 increase.
If you remember from the salary survey presentation our scale was very competitive at the beginning and at the end, but was not as competitive in the middle. This proposed scale would increase the strength in the first ten years, decrease the strength at the end, while the middle would still not be as competitive.
As WCEA president I have had several discussions in recent days members especially those with 15+ years of experience. To summarize those discussions I would say this. While our employees know that the scale will change from year to year, it is important to consider that when an employee sees health costs rising as those on the dual and family plans will and their salary scale doesn't increase at a similar rate, their bottom line is taking home less money. It's not a sense of entitlement that employees have that makes them think their take home pay should increase, but a sense of value to the students they work with everyday. The work our employees do is valuable to the community and they want to see that value reflected when they look at their pay check.
Lastly I would like to thank Dr Perry for including employees in the exploration of the self insurance concept. I was able to attend yesterday's meeting in Abingdon on self insurance and was intrigued by the ideas discussed. I was especially interested in the concept of helping employees take ownership of their health care. I think that will be an important factor that the WCEA would look forward to collaborating on whether we decide to remain fully insured, go with a state plan or move toward self insurance.
Thank you again for this time to speak with you. If the WCEA can help in anyway as you consider the proposed salary scale and health insurance plans please let me know.
Presented to the WCPS School Board on June 8, 2017 by Ryan Walker, WCEA Co-President
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