Rapping the SOLs Finding innovative ways to engage students to improve learning is so important. GWHS graduate and current teacher at Roanoke’s James Madison Middle School, Cole Wilder has developed multiple raps to motivate his students to understand SOL content through active participation. Movement and learning the words to the rap combine to spark students’ interest and enhance retention of material. Mr. Wilder has been recognized by his school for his innovative methods. He will explain and demonstrate techniques he uses while showing how teachers may use these techniques in their own classrooms. He will discuss the results he has observed in classes where these methods are used.
Saluting Canada Our neighbor to the north, Canada, is celebrating the sesquicentennial anniversary in 2017. This program, presented by Carolyn Armentrout following her September trip, will highlight some of the important history of our neighbor on the North American continent. Much of Canadian history impacted American history. The pictures and other mementos acquired on her trip will help to demonstrate elements of world geography and United States history. The shared friendship, culture, and economic interdependence of the two countries will be explored with facts and anecdotes helpful to teachers in the classroom.
How Cursive Writing Can Be Used In All Classrooms This program will be presented by Joyce Covey, retired educator from Pulaski County Public Schools. Ms. Covey presented this program as a workshop at the 2017 Chautauqua Festival in Wytheville. Cursive writing is not taught as it once was, however, it is essential in order to meet certain standards, including reading and interpreting historical documents. Most historical documents are written in cursive script. Students with no instruction in the fundamentals of cursive may experience difficulty reading America’s documents of democracy. Ms. Covey will instruct teachers how to quickly and effectively teach students the various strokes and movements involved in cursive script. All teachers will find this a great classroom instructional tool. The skills teachers learn may be used as a project for student formative assessment.
NOTE: This program was approved last year but was not presented due to inclement weather
WCC Library Materials and Services Available to Wythe County Public School Teachers and Students
WCC Library Staff will discuss various resources and services available to aid WCPS teachers with research to enhance classroom instruction. Teachers will learn how students themselves may utilize resources and share that knowledge with students. Dual enrollment students especially will benefit by teacher knowledge of the services offered by our local college. The staff will explain how students in the middle grades are able to use materials and resources for special projects. Teachers taking courses for recertification will find valuable assets at the WCC Library. Attendees will learn how WCC strives to be a positive and proactive presence in our communities beginning with sharing library resources.
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