Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Welcome Back

 Check out these photos from the Back-to-School County Wide Convocation. Thanks to all the people who stopped by the WCEA table to see us and put your name in for the drawings. We were excited to give away a KindleFireHD, iPod Nano, Happy Nails $35 gift card, teacher supply basket, a Sheetz giftcard, and a table full of teacher goodies! A special thanks to members - Delores Craig, Joey Russell, and Annie Zorn who joined our WCEA officers at the table to meet and greet folks. Best wishes in overcoming your Goliaths this year!

More info on our great speaker, Dave Weber.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Member Benefits

Don't forget about your NEA Member Benefits. Here's a link to the back-to-school deals that are being offered. You can register for a chance to win an Ipad Mini!!! 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

School Board Meeting

August 8, 2013 at 6:00 pm the Wythe County School Board will meet at the SBO. This evening meeting will give you an opportunity to provide input or simply show up---- to show your interest! Please plan to attend.

                                            AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS

*  Beginning of school information

*  An update on the Capital Improvement Projects

*  DRESS CODE Policy Revisions (Can be found on Board Docs - "fifth option" is crossed out and underlined version; "final" is the clean copy)
  • There's another policy mentioned that has to do with 12 months employee leave. It doesn't appear to change much.