Sunday, September 22, 2013

A response by President of VEA, Meg Gruber:

Statement by VEA President Meg Gruber
For a number of years, the salaries of Virginia teachers have lagged below the national average. Unfortunately, that’s still the case.
The National Education Association collects salary information directly from each state education department annually. In 2012, the national average teacher salary was $55,418. The average salary for Virginia teachers was $48,703. Virginia teachers trail the national average by $6,715.  The Commonwealth ranks 30th among states in average teacher salary. See the full report (attached, Table C-11) for details.
We are working to find out why the Bureau of Labor Statistics data differ so much from the established annual reports compiled by the NEA and used by numerous sources, including the influential Congressional Quarterly. One difference between the BLS report and previous salary reports is that the BLS report includes non-Virginia jurisdictions in suburban Maryland in its calculations of the “Washington-Arlington-Alexandria” region. (Incidentally, that region was the only region of 10 in Virginia that exceeded the national average by a significant margin in the BLS report on teacher salary.)
Virginia teachers deserve fair pay, and that’s why it so important to make sure accurate information is available to guide the public and policymakers.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

WCEA meeting is tomorrow, September 17th at 4:15 in room 235 at Spiller.
Update from School Board Meeting on September 12th.
  •  I, Stephanie James, thanked the board for funding support. I commended the board for NOT cutting funding for instructional supplies and for supporting technology. I asked the board for leniency as  the new online lesson plans are implemented. I highlighted the positive aspects of the lesson plans, but also informed the board of the amount of time it was taking to make them. I asked for additional time and more technological training and support.
  • Dr. Brannon reported that, according to VEA report, Wythe County supports funding 60% above Required Local Effort.
  • Dr. Brannon read a resolution written by the Virginia Association for School Superintendents. This resolution  strongly opposes certain aspects of Virginia's Standardized testing and accountability. School Board members were asked to review it to see if any changes were suggested before passing it.
  • Dr. Poole did a capital improvement update. Construction at Sheffey and RRMS is progressing. The Community gym at Sheffey will break ground in the next couple of days, their open-area classrooms are closed and the 2nd grade classrooms are next. At RRMS, the crews are working on updating the electrical and will be finishing the 6th grade wing and the office suite soon.
  • The Board approved the goals and objectives for 2013-14 school year that Dr. Brannon proposed.
  • The board approved policy changes to student fees, fines and charges.
  • Dr. Brannon read a Thank you note from the Board of Education. They had a wonderful visit to RRES and were very complimentary of school, staff and students.
The next School Board Meeting is October 10th at 6:00pm at the School Board Office. Please make plans to attend.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tomorrow night (Thursday, September 12th at 6:00pm) the Wythe County School Board will meet at the School Board Office. All employees are encouraged to attend. You can find the agenda on Wythe County Public Schools website
Topics on the Agenda that may interest you:
*  Wythe County School Board Goals and Objectives will be shared. 
*  Dr. Poole will present an update on Capital Improvement.
*  Dr. Brannon will give a First Reading of VASS High Stakes Testing Resolution.
*  Dr. Brannon will also present the VEA report on required local effort.
*  Dr. Melinda Robinett will present policy for Student fees, fines, and charges.
We hope to see you there!