Friday, April 8, 2016

VEA Delegate Assembly

We have eight delegates here in Richmond for the VEA Convention. Check back here for updates on the goings-on...

Who's Here...
-Kim Aker, Spiller
-Jen Ryan, Jackson
-Vic Gravley, Max Meadows
-Rebecca McGhee, RRMS/HS
-Kay White, Max Meadows
-Annie Zorn, Spiller
-Erika Hooper, Max Meadows
-Ryan Walker, Sheffey

Where are we...
-The Delegate Assembly is being held at the Richmond Convention Center.
-Our delegation is staying at the Crowne Plaza in downtown. 

Thursday Highlights...
-We heard a tremendous a speech from our NEA President, Lily Ekelsen. Ask us about her blood drive!
-We learned that Richmond has a lot of one-way streets :)
-The candidates for VEA offices gave speeches for the elections we're having here. 
-We enjoyed a dance and social time after our session. 

Friday Morning Highlights...
-We voted for statewide VEA Offices. 
-We began discussion and action votes on New Business Items. 

Our own Annie Zorn speaking on one of the New Business Items. 
-We heard our VEA President, Meg Gruber's last speech as President.

-The election for VEA President went to a run off since none of the three candidates received a majority of the the original votes. The two candidates in the run-off are Livingston and Patton. 
- The VEA VP election was decided with James Fedderman (Accomack) the winner. 
-We recognized 5 state Republicans and 4 Democrats as Legislative Champions for their work in the General Assembly this year. 
-SWVA's very own Ben Chafin (R) was recognized as the Legislator of the Year for his work on the salary amendment to the state budget, his decisive vote to kill the Charter School Bill, and his bill to create a pathway for a statewide insurance option. 

Friday Afternoon Session...
-We dealt with several more New Business Items. 
-We heard several reports from VEA offices and committees 
-The run-off for the VEA President went final with Jim Livingston (Prince William) winning!

Did you know that...
-One out of every 100 people who live in the US belongs to the NEA. We are 3 million members strong. -Lily Ekelsen
-The budget passed by the GA this year passed with $73 million more for public education than the Governor originally proposed. -Meg Gruber
-If you're in your first year of teaching and you belonged to SVEA in college, you can earn a rebate on your dues. 
-The VEA is the only teacher advocacy group to serve on several key state committees on public education issues. 

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